The heat of the sun on bare skin, the intoxicating scent of wet sagebrush after a summer storm, the tumbling rush of a mountain stream or the utter still of a deep twilight sky... experiencing Central Oregon is much more than what you see. When I paint, whether plein air or in the studio, I’m pulled into the feel of the place I am depicting. Through color, texture, pattern, and light I seek to evoke those myriad sensations. My inspiration comes from exploring the rivers and trails, lakes and canyons of Central Oregon and appreciating beauty in the everyday. 

Over the years my art evolved from intricate black-and-white pen and gestural charcoal drawings and filtered through my undergraduate study of art history and my career as a graphic designer. About fifteen years ago, I began to work with color, studying pastel and printmaking. Now I mostly paint with acrylic, sometimes adding pastel, collage, and other mixed media. 

Click on any thumbnail to see a painting full screen and hover at bottom for title, media, and pricing. Please email me for more information on any pieces.