Recent Paintings

The Oceans Rise and the Neighborhoods Burn was created for Tumalo Art Co.’s Unbound group show, which invited artists to step outside their comfort zone. “I was doing some studio play, experimentation, a couple weeks back. Using up pots of paint on scraps of canvas that I just can’t seem to discard. …” Read more about the process and inspiration that led to this piece in the exhibition description here.

Overflowing, acrylic on canvas, 24x48 inches, now available at Tumalo Art Co.

Flagrance, acrylic on canvas, 30x20” available at Tumalo Art Co.

Anne Gibson’s work can be seen and purchased at two galleries in central Oregon: Tumalo Art Co. in the Old Mill District in Bend, where she is a member artist, and Hood Avenue Art in Sisters. To see more available art, click on the “Galleries” tab at the top of this page.